The Use of Video as a Learning Medium to Increase Interest in Learning English for Students of SDN 01 Wonorejo


  • A. Samsul Maarif UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Nurul Qonita UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Wahyu Satria Nur Anwar UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Intan Kharismatul Mufidah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Muhammad Nouval Robbani Zuhri UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang



Learning media, learning, video, Interest


Currently, there are many learning media that are very innovative, one of which is video learning media, either videos obtained from Youtube or self-downloaded.The purpose of this study was to determinethe use of video learning media in increasing students' interest in learning at SDN 01 Wonorejo inEnglish lessons.The instruments in this study are in the form of observations and interviews and the analysis techniques are in the form of verbal data, such as notes, suggestions, and comments from students.The result of this study is that the interest in learning and learning motivation of SDN 01 Wonorejo students emerged with the existence of video learning media, because according to them, learning by video seems more interesting and they easily understand the lessons delivered


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How to Cite

Maarif, A. S., Qonita , N. ., Anwar , W. S. N. ., Mufidah , I. K. ., & Zuhri , M. N. R. (2023). The Use of Video as a Learning Medium to Increase Interest in Learning English for Students of SDN 01 Wonorejo. International Journal of Language and Teaching, 1(1), 27–36.


