Development of Imla` Teaching Materials in Improving Ability to Write Arabic Texts


  • Arif Widodo Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan
  • Abdel Rahman El Sayed Elsayed Abdel Ghaffar Balah Al-Azhar University
  • Siti Afifah Institut Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan



This writing is one of the most important points in the learning process, especially in learning Arabic, the role of handboks for student who are not capable of knowledge also affects the learning process. Lack of handbooks, lack of confidience and shyness are obstacles in learning Arabic . to assist subject teachers in improving the ability to write Arabic texts, it is necessary to introduce interesting and easy to understand learning. As book, dictionary modules, and other. This study amis to develop imla` teaching materials to help improve the ability of students to write Arabic texts. The subject of this research is the seventh grade students of MTs Assalam Bangilan Tuban. Development in which the author collaborates with the imla` subject teacher and all the lecturers of the sunan Drajat Islamic Boarding School Lamongan.


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How to Cite

Widodo, A. ., Balah , A. R. E. S. E. A. G., & Afifah, S. (2023). Development of Imla` Teaching Materials in Improving Ability to Write Arabic Texts. International Journal of Language and Teaching, 1(1), 37–51.


