International Journal of Language and Teaching 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Miftachul Ulum, S.E, M.M Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Language and Teaching (IJLT)</strong> adalah jurnal yang berisi hasil-hasil kegiatan penelitian yang menerima naskah di bidang :<br />1. <strong>Micro Linguistics</strong> ( Phonology, Morpholog, Semantics, Synthesis)<br />2. <strong>Macro Linguistics</strong> ( Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Anthropolinguistics, Stylistics, Philology, Filsafat Bahasa, Dialektologi, Neurolinguistik, Paleografi, Semiotika)<br />3.<strong>Literature, Language Teaching</strong> (Pendekatan, Metode, Strategi, Teknik, Media Pengajaran, Kurikulum, Bahan Ajar, Rancangan Pengajaran)<br /><strong>International Journal of Language and Teaching (IJLT)</strong> terbit dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan<strong> Maret</strong> dan <strong>September</strong></p> <p><strong>E-ISSN : <a href="">2986-8432</a></strong></p> Problems of Writing Arabic Related to Changes in Arabic Syntax and Morphology 2023-03-11T04:11:26+00:00 Nurul Fahmi <p>There are many problems related to changes in Arabic writing related to Arabic syntax (nahw) and morphology (sharf). Arabic learners often find it difficult to know which text is correct and which text is not in accordance with Arabic rules. In a somewhat deeper manner, all of the above studies will be presented by the author in this article. In this article, the method used is a qualitative descriptive approach with the library research method. Meanwhile, the instrument used in this study was documentation by examining several books related to Arabic syntax (nahw) and morphology (sharf). This article produces a solution in solving the problems of writing Arabic, namely by looking at the rules that have been mentioned in several literatures and books related to Arabic syntax and morphology. Then compare between several books to uncover the truth of the composition of an Arabic sentence (syntax) and Arabic words (morphology). In philology, this method is known as the objective method</p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Language and Teaching Aspects of renewal in the rhymed poem In the collection of "Jarrar al-Nour" For the poet "Abdel Nasser Abdel Mawla" 2023-03-11T03:30:42+00:00 Ali Mahmud Ashma'i Mahmud <p><strong>This study aims to know the concept of renewal in the rhymed poem, and the changes that occurred in the modern poem, and the distinction between the value of the rhymed and its current position, then talk about rhymed poetry, and define it and its controls to evoke a poetic state in the collection of "Jarrar al-Nur" by the poet "Abdul Nasser Abdel Mawla And an indication of the features of renewal in this diwan, and in the folds of this research we include the concept of renewal in the Arabic poem, and the manifestations of this renewal, and the definition of the poet as one of the poets who called for preserving the rhymed poem, and the most prominent new templates that are more free and diverse, in order to make it clear to connoisseurs of literature the general picture For rhymed poetry, and the importance of the vertical poem. </strong><strong> </strong></p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Language and Teaching The Influence of Guess Word Game Media on Mastery of Mufrodat Arabic 2023-03-26T09:29:11+00:00 Roihanatul Ainak Alifia Nur Indah Sari <p>For researchers to use media that can foster enthusiasm and understanding in lerarning mufrodat mastery, namely by using the media of guessing games. The data colletion techniques in this study were interviews, observations, dokumentstion, test, and questionnaires. The result of this study are: the application of the word guessing game media to mastery of Arabic mufrodat has a positive impact, namely it can increase students enthusiasm and active role in learning, so that this learning media is suiteble to be implementen in learning Arabic, especially mastery of mufrodat, based on calculation result, the result is 1.078. and d.b = N-1 23-1=22. The T test table using <em>one grup desaign </em>refers to a significant number level of 0,05, namely 1,7171 at a level of 0,05%. Threfore the research shows that there is a significant influence of the influence of the word guessing game media on students Arabic mufrodat mastery.</p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Language and Teaching The Use of Video as a Learning Medium to Increase Interest in Learning English for Students of SDN 01 Wonorejo 2023-03-26T10:37:30+00:00 A. Samsul Maarif Nurul Qonita Wahyu Satria Nur Anwar Intan Kharismatul Mufidah Muhammad Nouval Robbani Zuhri <p>Currently, there are many learning media that are very innovative, one of which is video learning media, either videos obtained from Youtube or self-downloaded.The purpose of this study was to determinethe use of video learning media in increasing students' interest in learning at SDN 01 Wonorejo inEnglish lessons.The instruments in this study are in the form of observations and interviews and the analysis techniques are in the form of verbal data, such as notes, suggestions, and comments from students.The result of this study is that the interest in learning and learning motivation of SDN 01 Wonorejo students emerged with the existence of video learning media, because according to them, learning by video seems more interesting and they easily understand the lessons delivered</p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Language and Teaching Development of Imla` Teaching Materials in Improving Ability to Write Arabic Texts 2023-03-30T23:50:55+00:00 Arif Widodo Abdel Rahman El Sayed Elsayed Abdel Ghaffar Balah Siti Afifah <p>This writing is one of the most important points in the learning process, especially in learning Arabic, the role of handboks for student who are not capable of knowledge also affects the learning process. Lack of handbooks, lack of confidience and shyness are obstacles in learning Arabic . to assist subject teachers in improving the ability to write Arabic texts, it is necessary to introduce interesting and easy to understand learning. As book, dictionary modules, and other. This study amis to develop imla` teaching materials to help improve the ability of students to write Arabic texts. The subject of this research is the seventh grade students of MTs Assalam Bangilan Tuban. Development in which the author collaborates with the imla` subject teacher and all the lecturers of the sunan Drajat Islamic Boarding School Lamongan.</p> 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Language and Teaching