Aspects of renewal in the rhymed poem In the collection of "Jarrar al-Nour" For the poet "Abdel Nasser Abdel Mawla"


  • Ali Mahmud Ashma'i Mahmud Khatam Al Morsaleen International University



Renewal in Poetry, Rhymed Poetry, Diwan Jarrar Al-Nour, Abdel Nasser Abdel Mawla


This study aims to know the concept of renewal in the rhymed poem, and the changes that occurred in the modern poem, and the distinction between the value of the rhymed and its current position, then talk about rhymed poetry, and define it and its controls to evoke a poetic state in the collection of "Jarrar al-Nur" by the poet "Abdul Nasser Abdel Mawla And an indication of the features of renewal in this diwan, and in the folds of this research we include the concept of renewal in the Arabic poem, and the manifestations of this renewal, and the definition of the poet as one of the poets who called for preserving the rhymed poem, and the most prominent new templates that are more free and diverse, in order to make it clear to connoisseurs of literature the general picture For rhymed poetry, and the importance of the vertical poem.        


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How to Cite

Mahmud, A. M. A. (2023). Aspects of renewal in the rhymed poem In the collection of "Jarrar al-Nour" For the poet "Abdel Nasser Abdel Mawla". International Journal of Language and Teaching, 1(1), 9–18.


