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Multidisciplinary Journal of Education, Economic and Culture received ISSN Number: 2986-7460 with SK ISSN Number: 29867460/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/05/2023 on May 9 2023.
Multidisciplinary Journal of Education, Economic and Culture was accepted as Crossref membership through the sponsorship of Indonesian Journal Volunteers (RJI) with Prefix 10.61231 On August 11 2023
Multidisciplinary Journal of Education, Economic and Culture has been included in the list "GARUDA: Garba Rujukan Digital" as of October 2, 2023
Multidisciplinary Journal of Education, Economic and Culture, published in Volume 2 Number 1 March 2024, has undergone slight changes to the appearance of the template. This change is taken by considering and adjusting the appearance of the OJS and Journal Cover
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat
YAYASAN PONDOK PESANTREN SUNAN BONANG TUBANCreative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0